Bob Green | Son | Moraga, California |
Gary & Martha Green | Son and his wife | Cupertino, California |
Jessica Green | Granddaughter | Moraga, California |
Evelyn & Ed Harris | Gordon's Sister and her husband | Warrensburg, Missouri |
Marie Balding | Rosalynd's Sister | Sacramento, California |
Nancy, J.F., Sarah, Diana, and Joshua Clegg | Niece and her family | Delhi, California |
Carol Balding | Niece | Sacramento, California |
Introductions: Bob Green
Prayer: Rev. Nancy Clegg
Toast: Gary Green
Bob presented them with a book,
by Warren Hanson
Serving Cake: Marie Balding and Evelyn Harris, who were both in the wedding in 1950
Serving Tables: Martha Green, Jessica Green, Diana Clegg, Joshua Clegg, Sarah Clegg
Click on photo to see larger image
Photo credits: Gary Green, Jessica Green, Gordon Green, Martha Green, Evelyn Harris, Ed Harris, Marie Balding, Carol Balding
Newspaper article in the Davis Enterprise
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