Thomas LYNDE(1) was born in Jan
1591/92 in Dunstable, Bedford, England. He died on 30 Dec 1671 in Charlestown,
Middlesex Co., Massachusetts.He was married to Mary
. Children were: Mary LYNDE.
LYNNE(1) was born about 1412 in Buckenham
Castle, Norfolk, England. Parents: William LYNNE
.She was married to John KNYVETT Sir about 1438.
Children were: William KNYVETT Sir/Knight.
LYNNE(1) was born about 1394.Children
were: Alice LYNNE.
LYON(1). She was married to
Jeriah SWIFT. Children were: Wyatt SWIFT.
LYS(1)She was married to
Casper ZWICKI.
Anderson LYSTEBAKKEN(1) was born on
16 Aug 1861. She died on 19 Mar 1921.She was married to
Petter Olai NEDREBERG on 24 Nov 1888. Children were:
Ole Paul Andreas BERG, Elmer Mathias BERG,
Anna Sophie BERG, Sigurd Mathias BERG.
Ruth LYTLE(1) was born on 30 Jan 1894
in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. She died on 28 Mar 1971 in Lodi, San Joaquin
Co., California. Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.She was married to
Anton Anselm HOMQUIST on 11 Jan 1916 in Chamberlain, Brule, South Dakota.
Children were: Hanna Mae HOMQUIST,
John Henry HOMQUIST, Julia Anna HOMQUIST,
Floyd William HOMQUIST, Richard Anton HOMQUIST
, James Bulow HOMQUIST,
Gene Edward Lytle HOMQUIST, Jerald August HOMQUIST
, Joyce Jeanette HOMQUIST,
Robert Emil Lee HOMQUIST.
LYTLE(1) was born in 1890 in Kimball,
Brule, South Dakota. She died in 1900 in Alexandria, Douglas Co., Minnesota.
Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.
LYTLE(1) was born in 1888 in Kimball,
Brule, South Dakota. He died in 1888 in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. Parents:
John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.
William LYTLE(1) was born in 1910 in
Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. He died in 1910 in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota.
Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.
Edward LYTLE(1) was born on 27 Mar
1855 in Hemmingford, Canada. He died on 20 Mar 1928 in Mitchell, Davison, South
Dakota.He was married to Mina Elizabeth COLLER
on 17 Aug 1886 in Cedar Rider, Iowa. Children were:
Floyd LYTLE, Maude LYTLE,
Ester LYTLE, Alice Ruth LYTLE,
Vernon Robert LYTLE, John Walter LYTLE,
Lee LYTLE, Susan Clara LYTLE,
Pearll Ethel LYTLE, James William LYTLE.
Walter LYTLE(1) was born on 20 Mar
1898 in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. He died on 1 Apr 1973 in Kimball, Brule,
South Dakota. Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.He was married to Ann
DORWART on 6 Jun 1927.
LYTLE(1) was born in 1900 in Clotho,
Todd Co., Minnesota. She died in 1900 in Clotho, Todd Co., Minnesota. Parents:
John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.
LYTLE(1) was born in 1888 in Kimball,
Brule, South Dakota. She died in 1888 in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. Parents:
John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.
Ethel LYTLE(1) was born on 27 Feb 1905
in Crow Lake, South Dakota. She died on 6 Aug 1934 in Chamberlain, Brule, South
Dakota. Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.She was married to Anto
PAVLIN on 6 Jun 1928.
Clara LYTLE(1) was born on 10 Dec 1902
in Crow Lake, South Dakota. She died on 21 Jul 1966 in Reliance, South Dakota.
Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.She was married to Henry
(Henrik) Algot HOLMQUIST.
Robert LYTLE(1) was born on 1 Mar 1896
in Kimball, Brule, South Dakota. He died on 26 Dec 1972 in Pukwana, Brule, South
Dakota. Parents: John Edward LYTLE and
Mina Elizabeth COLLER.He was married to Mary
Thersa WEYEND.
He was married to Ruth Augusta
II MAASGAU -Count(1) was born about
825 in Maas. He died after 877. Parents: Giselbert
I MASSGAU -Count.He was married to Ermengarde
LORRAINE -Princess in 846. Children were: Regnier
He was married to Winona Margret CAPPS.
MABLE(1) was born in England. Parents:
Thomas MABLE.She was married to
William WARREN. Children were: Christopher WARREN
MABLE(1) was born in Cornwall, England.
Children were: Anne MABLE.
CRINAN(1) was born about 1009 in Scotland.
Parents: Crinan and Princess
Anthony MAC DONALD(1) was born on 7
Oct 1964. Parents: William MAC DONALD and
Virginia Hazel BERG.
William MAC DONALD(1) was born on 9
Feb 1962. Parents: William MAC DONALD and
Virginia Hazel BERG.
Lee MAC DONALD(1) was born on 6 Oct
1965 in Korea. Parents: William MAC DONALD and
Virginia Hazel BERG.
MAC DONALD(1)He was married to
Virginia Hazel BERG on 25 Jun 1960. Children were:
Scott William MAC DONALD, Mark Anthony MAC DONALD
, Tammy Lee MAC DONALD.
KENNETH(1) was born about 834 in Scotland.
Parents: King Kenneth I Mac Alpin SCOTS.
KENNETH(1) was born about 840 in Scotland.
Parents: King Kenneth I Mac Alpin SCOTS.
KENNETH(1) was born about 842 in Scotland.
Parents: King Kenneth I Mac Alpin SCOTS.
MACBRECC(1) was born about 1005 in
Munster, Ireland. He died in 1051. Parents: BRECC
.Children were: SADB.
I MACEDONIA -Emperor(1) was born in
827. He died on 29 Aug 889. Parents: Konstantinos
and Pancalo.He was married to
Eudocia INGERINA. Children were: Leo VI -Emperor
(Eve) MACMURCHADA(1) was born about
1140 in Leinster, Ireland. She died after 1186. Parents:
King Diarmait Leinster MACMURCHADA and Mor O'TOOLE
.She was married to Richard DE CLARE on 26 Aug
1171 in Waterford, Ireland. Children were: Isabel DE
Diarmait Leinster MACMURCHADA(1) was
born in 1100 in Leinster, Ireland. He died on 1 May 1171 in Ferns, Ireland.
Parents: King Donnchad Dublin MACMURCHADA and
ORLAITH.He was married to Mor O'TOOLE. Children
were: Aoife (Eve) MACMURCHADA.
Donnchad Dublin MACMURCHADA(1) was
born about 1065 in Leinster, Ireland. He died in 1115. Parents:
King Murchad LEINSTER and SADB.He was married
to ORLAITH. Children were:
King Diarmait Leinster MACMURCHADA.
MACOMBER(1) was born on 5 Mar 1766
in Richmond, Lincoln Co., Maine. He died on 3 Jan 1848 in Bangor, Penobscot
Co., Maine. Parents: Job MACOMBER and
Abigail PITTS.He was married to Abigail ROBINSON
. Children were: Lydia Maria MACOMBER.
MACOMBER(1) was born on 3 Nov 1737
in Taunton, Bristol Co., Massachusetts. He died about 1810. Parents:
Nathaniel MACOMBER and Priscilla SOUTHWORTH
.He was married to Abigail PITTS. Children
were: Ebenezer MACOMBER.
MACOMBER(1) was born on 18 Mar 1679/80
in Taunton, Bristol Co., Massachusetts. He died on 14 Dec 1747 in Taunton, Bristol
Co., Massachusetts.He was married to Elizabeth WILLIAMS
. Children were: Nathaniel MACOMBER.
Maria MACOMBER(1) was born on 13 Sep
1799 in Richmond, Lincoln Co., Maine. She died in 1874 in Spanish Fork, Utah
Co., Utah. Parents: Ebenezer MACOMBER and
Abigail ROBINSON.She was married to Ephriam
LUCE. Children were: Harriet Ellen LUCE.
MACOMBER(1) was born on 9 Feb 1707/8
in Taunton, Bristol Co., Massachusetts. He died on 12 Nov 1787 in Taunton, Bristol
Co., Massachusetts. Parents: John MACOMBER and
Elizabeth WILLIAMS.He was married to
Priscilla SOUTHWORTH. Children were: Job MACOMBER
II MACON -Count(1) was born about 935.
He died about 980. Parents: Count Lietaud II DE MACON
.He was married to Queen Ermentrude DE ROUCY
about 970. Children were: Beatrix DE MACON.
MACON(1) was born about 1160 in Vienne,
France. She died on 8 Apr 1230. Parents: Gerard MACON
-Count and Maurette SALINS.She was married
to Humbert III SAVOY -Count in 1175. Children were:
Thomas I SAVOY -Count.
MACON -Countess(1) was born in Lorraine,
France. Parents: Gerhard IV LORRAINE -Duke and
I MACON -Count(1) was born about 1048
in MacOn, France. He died about 27 May 1102. Parents:
William II BURGUNDY -Count and Stephanie LONGWY
MACON -Count(1) was born about 1142.
He died before 15 Sep 1184. Parents: William IV AUXERRE
-Count and Poncette DE TREVES.He was married
to Maurette SALINS in 1160. Children were:
Beatrice MACON.
MACON(1) died on 11 Dec 986.She
was married to King Adelbert II LOMBARDY in 956.
Children were: King Otto I LOMBARDY.
MACON -Viscount(1)Children were:
Attelane DE MACON.
III MACON Count(1) was born about 1090.
He died on 22 Jan 1147/48. Parents: Stephen VIENNE
-Count and Beatrice UPPER LORRAINE.He was
married to Agatha ALSACE in 1130. Children were:
Beatrice BURGUNDY.
Margaret MADDEN(1) was born on 23 Feb
1826. She died in 1908 in Ninevah Township, Adair Co., Missouri.She was married
to Philip SCHUPP (SHOOP) on 6 Apr 1845. Children
were: Harriet SHOOP,
Amanda SHOOP, Daniel R SHOOP,
Susannah SHOOP, Benjamin SHOOP,
George E SHOOP, Fannie SHOOP,
Emanuel SHOOP.
MADDOXHe was married to Katherine HARRIS
. He was divorced from Katherine HARRIS. Children were:
Michael MADDOX.
MADDOX Parents: George MADDOX and
Katherine HARRIS.
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