bullet George ATCHISON(1)

He was married to Naomi BYRON. Children were: George Cooper Atchison JR..

bullet James Michael ATCHISON(1) was born on 5 Jan 1985 in Westminster, California. Parents: George Cooper Atchison JR. and Linda Joyce CAPPS.

bullet Jeffery Paul ATCHISON(1) was born on 4 Apr 1991 in Mountain View, California. Parents: George Cooper Atchison JR. and Linda Joyce CAPPS.

bullet Alwara Verch ATHELSTAN -Lady(1) was born about 950 in Mercia. Parents: Athelstan East Anglia MANNESSON .

She was married to Leofwine -Earl MERCIA. Children were: Wolfric Spot MERCIA -Earl, Aeelfhelm NORTHAMPTONSHIRE -Earl, NINEVAH -Earl , Edwine, Godwin, Normannus\Norman, Emenhilda.

bullet Hannah ATHERTON(1) was born on 10 Feb 1657/58 in Lancaster, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

She was married to John WILDER on 17 May 1672. Children were: John WILDER.

bullet Duncan ATHOLL -Lord(1) Parents: Duncan DULE -Thane.

Children were: Crinan.

bulletElizabeth ATKINSON(1).

She was married to Henry DUNSTER. Children were: Dorothy DUNSTER, David DUNSTER, Henry DUNSTER, Jonathan DUNSTER, Elizabeth DUNSTER.

bullet Nancy Catherine ATOR(1) was born about 1861. She died about 1936.

She was married to Benjamin Franklin CAPPS. Children were: Rena Alice CAPPS .

bullet Alice ATWOOD(1) died about Apr 1661 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

She was married to William MOLINES\MULLENS . Children were: Joseph MULLINS, Priscilla MULLINS.

bullet Mary ATWOOD(1) was born about 1606 in England.

She was married to Robert LEE. Children were: Mary LEE, Ann LEE.

bullet Bert AUCHAMPACH

He was married to Pearl A. KASTNER .

bullet Frank AUCHAMPACH

He was married to Daisy M. KASTNER .

bullet Myrtle AUCHAMPACH

She was married to Willie V. KASTNER .

bullet Adam AUDLEY(1) was born about 1145 in England. Parents: Liulf DE AUDLEY.

He was married to Emma FITZ ORM. Children were: Henry AUDLEY.

bullet Emma AUDLEY(1) was born about 1222. Parents: Henry AUDLEY and Bertred MAINWARING.

bullet Henry AUDLEY(1) was born in 1175 in England. He died in 1246. Parents: Adam AUDLEY and Emma FITZ ORM.

He was married to Bertred MAINWARING . Children were: James AUDLEY, Emma AUDLEY, Alice DE ALDITHLEY.

bullet Hugh AUDLEY(1) was born in 1267. He died between 1325 and 1326. Parents: James AUDLEY and Ella LONGESPEE.

bullet James AUDLEY(1) was born in 1220 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. He died about 11 Jun 1272 in Ireland. Parents: Henry AUDLEY and Bertred MAINWARING.

He was married to Ella LONGESPEE in 1244. Children were: Margaret AUDLEY, Nicholas AUDLEY, Hugh AUDLEY.

bullet Margaret AUDLEY(1) was born in Heleigh, Staffordshire, England. Parents: James AUDLEY and Ella LONGESPEE.

She was married to Fulke III FITZ WARINE -Baron. Children were: Fulke IV FITZ WARINE -Baron.

bullet Nicholas AUDLEY(1) died on 28 Aug 1299. Parents: James AUDLEY and Ella LONGESPEE .

bullet N.N. AUGSTGAU(1) Parents: Diepold I ANGSTGAU -Count.

Children were: Ulrich PASSAU -Count.

bulletKing Philippe II AUGUSTUS(1) was born on 22 Aug 1165 in Gonesse, France. He died on 14 Jul 1223 in Mantes. Parents: King Louis FRANCE VII and Adelaide BLOIS.

He was married to Isabelle DE HAINAUT . Children were: King Louis FRANCE VIII.

bullet Egil AUNSSON(1) was born about 530 in Sweden. Parents: Aun JORUNDSSON.

Children were: Ottar EGILSSON, Fusto EGILSSON.

bulletArduin AURIATE -Count(1) died after 976. Parents: Roger AURIATE.

Children were: Manfredo I DI TURINO -Marchese.

bulletRoger AURIATE(1) died after 902. Parents: Odo NEUSTRIA.

Children were: Arduin AURIATE -Count.

bulletAUSRICK (HAWISE)(1) was born about 1237.

She was married to Simon MONTACUTE. Children were: William MONTACUTE, Simon MONTACUTE.

bullet King Dagobert I AUSTRASIA(1) was born in 602 in France. He died in 639. Parents: King Clothaire II NEUSTRIA and Haldetrude.

He was married to Gometrude. Children were: Sigebert III AUSTRASIA.

He was married to Nantilda . Children were: King Chiodovech II FRANKS.

bullet King Dagobert II AUSTRASIA(1) died in 639. Parents: Sigebert III AUSTRASIA and Hymnegilde.

Children were: Adela.

bulletRegintrude AUSTRASIA(1).

She was married to Dagobert I. Children were: Regintrude AUSTRASIA.

bullet Regintrude AUSTRASIA(1) Parents: Dagobert I and Regintrude AUSTRASIA.

She was married to Duke Theodo II BAVARIA. Children were: Duke Godfrey ALLEMANIA.

bullet Sigebert III AUSTRASIA(1) was born in 630. He died in 656. Parents: King Dagobert I AUSTRASIA and Gometrude.

He was married to Hymnegilde. Children were: King Dagobert II AUSTRASIA .

bullet Arnold II AUSTRIA -Count(1) died on 3 Mar 1049/50.

He was married to Regilla VERDUN on 1 May 1025. Children were: Godfrey ENNSTHAL -Count .

bullet Elizabeth AUSTRIA(1) died on 16 Oct 1107. Parents: Leopold II AUSTRIA and Ida CHAM.

She was married to Ottokar VII CHIEMGAU -Margrave before 1082. Children were: Wilibirg VON STEIRMARK.

bullet Ernst AUSTRIA -Margrave(1) was born between 1020 and 1027. He died on 9 Jun 1075 in Homburg. Parents: Adelbert SCHWEINACHGAU -Count and Adelaide.

He was married to Adelaid VON EILENBURG. Children were: Leopold II AUSTRIA.

bullet Judith AUSTRIA(1)

She was married to Guillaume III DE MONTFERRAT. Children were: Alice DE MONTFERRAT.

bullet Leopold II AUSTRIA(1) was born in 1050. He died on 12 Oct 1102. Parents: Ernst AUSTRIA -Margrave and Adelaid VON EILENBURG.

He was married to Ida CHAM. Children were: Leopold III BABENBURG -Margrave, Elizabeth AUSTRIA .

bullet Bernard AUTUN -Count(1) was born about 795 in France. He died in 844. Parents: William I AUTUN -Count and GUITBERGE.

He was married to Dhoude. Children were: Roselinde AGEN -Countess .

bullet Berswinde AUTUN(1) Parents: King Sisbert II.

She was married to Duke Adalric ETICHO in France. Children were: Duke Adelbert ALSACE , Odilie -Saint.

bullet Count Thierry AUTUN(1) was born about 730 in Narbonne, France. Parents: Habbibai NATRONI .

He was married to Auda ALDANE. Children were: Bertha, William I AUTUN -Count , Queen Redburga\Redburh Ida WESSEX.

bullet William I AUTUN -Count(1) was born about 765 in France. He died on 28 May 812. Parents: Count Thierry AUTUN and Auda ALDANE.

He was married to GUITBERGE. Children were: Bernard AUTUN -Count .

bullet Gerard I AUVERGNE(1) died on 25 Jun 841 in Battle Fontniy.

He was married to Princess Hildegard . Children were: Count Ranulf I POITOU.

bullet Robert I AUVERGNE -Count(1) was born about 970 in France. He died in 1032. Parents: William IV AUVERGNE -Count and HUMBERGE.

He was married to Hermengarde DE TOULOUSE. Children were: Ermengarde DE AUVERGNE.

bullet Robert I AUVERGNE -Viscount(1)

He was married to ALGARDE. Children were: Robert II AUVERGNE -Viscount.

bullet Robert II AUVERGNE -Viscount(1) Parents: Robert I AUVERGNE -Viscount and ALGARDE.

He was married to INGELBERGE. Children were: William IV AUVERGNE -Count.

bullet William IV AUVERGNE -Count(1) died between 1010 and 1016. He was born in France. Parents: Robert II AUVERGNE -Viscount and INGELBERGE.

He was married to HUMBERGE. Children were: Robert I AUVERGNE -Count.

bullet Hamon AUX DENTS -Lord(1) died in 1045 in Val-es-Dunes.

Children were: Hamon de CHATEAU-DU-LOIR -Seigneur.

bulletItta AUXERRE(1).

She was married to Gui I SPOLETO -Duke. Children were: Rothieda SPOLETO.

bullet Konrad II AUXERRE -Count(1) died before 876. Parents: Konrad I -Count and Adelaide ALSACE.

He was married to WALDRADA . Children were: King Rudolph I UPPER BURGUNDY , Adelaid BURGUNDY.

bullet Renaud AUXERRE -Vicomte(1)

Children were: Unknown.

bulletWilliam IV AUXERRE -Count(1) was born between 1090 and 1095. He died on 27 Sep 1155. Parents: Stephen VIENNE -Count and Beatrice UPPER LORRAINE .

He was married to Poncette DE TREVES before 1140. Children were: Gerard MACON -Count.

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